WC Monitor
The Department of Energy’s Office of Environmental Management has scheduled a business opportunity forum Sept 4 at DOE headquarters in Washington. The outreach event, led by EM’s Office of Acquisition and Project Management, will focus on discussing upcoming EM business opportunities. “Topics will include discussion on how DOE is improving its acquisition and contract management and the status of ongoing and upcoming procurement opportunities,” according to a DOE post.
The Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board held a second meeting in Washington this week on the topic of safety culture. The meeting involved presentations from a current and a former Navy officer on how the Navy handles safety culture, as well as presentations from government and academic experts on how organizational leaders influence safety culture. The meeting follows one the Board held this spring in Washington to hear from representatives from the NRC and NASA on ways to assess safety culture and identify potential issues. The Board plans to hold a third meeting this fall on safety culture with representatives from the Department of Energy.
Wyatt Clark, the Chief Operating Officer for Hanford tank farms contractor Washington River Protection Solutions, is planning on leaving the company at the end of the month. WRPS did not comment on Clark’s future plans this week. “We appreciate his leadership over the past two and a half years here and wish him the very best in his future endeavors,” WRPS President Dave Olson said in a statement.
Paducah remediation contractor LATA Environmental Services of Kentucky has received a Certificate of Achievement for Superiority from the Department of Energy and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission for its reporting to the Nuclear Materials Management and Safeguards System. The reward is linked to LATA’s accounting of equipment removed from the C-410 Feed Plant during D&D work. “This is a demonstration of how separate organizations and companies can work together effectively to establish a program that works efficiently and provides quality results that positively reflect on the Department of Energy and the high standards of its personnel,” DOE Paducah site lead Jennifer Woodard said in a statement.
West Valley Demonstration Project cleanup contractor CH2M Hill B&W West Valley, LLC, has reached 1 million safe work hours without a lost time accident, the company announced this week. The site has also been recognized as a DOE Voluntary Protection Program STAR Site. “Our team is committed to delivering results that matter to our customers and taxpayers, workplace safety, active community involvement, and responsible environmental stewardship”, CHBWV President and General Manager Dan Coyne said in a statement.