The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers would receive $118 million in its upcoming budget for continued cleanup of former federal nuclear sites, under the fiscal 2018 funding proposal released Tuesday by the White House.
The funding level for the Army Corps’ Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) is the same as listed in a budget spreadsheet leaked last week to the Washington, D.C., think tank Third Way.
If Congress approves the spending plan, FUSRAP would receive $6 million more than it did via the omnibus appropriations bill President Donald Trump signed into law earlier this month for the current fiscal 2017. In its last budget, the Obama administration had requested only about $100 million in FUSRAP funding for the budget through Sept. 30.
FUSRAP is charged with remediation of facilities contaminated by weapons and civilian energy programs managed by the Manhattan Engineer District and Atomic Energy Commission from the 1940s to the 1960s. There were 25 active cleanup sites in 10 states last year.
There was no immediate comment from the Army Corps of Engineers regarding how the additional funding would be employed.