The Army Corps of Engineers’ Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) has elected to add a new site to its cleanup list. The Middlesex North Site, also known as the Middlesex Municipal Landfill,located in New Jersey, will join the list of cleanup sites during Fiscal Year 2015, according to Corps spokesman Candy Walters. The site had been under consideration by FUSRAP after additional contamination had been discovered in area by a radiological survey performed by the Borough of Middlesex, who provided the data to the Department of Energy. DOE, according to the Office of Legacy Management’s website, then commissioned a survey of the entire property that identified above-background concentrations of radium-226 and uranium-238 inside the property boundary in areas that had not been previously remediated, and then referred the site to FUSRAP. The site had gone through two prior cleanups conducted by the Atomic Energy Commission in 1961 and then by DOE in 1984 and 1986 after which it was deemed open for unrestricted use in 1989.
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