The Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact Commission rule update vote has been pushed back until the commission’s April meeting, TLLRWDCC Chair Brandan Hurley said yesterday at the Waste Management Symposium in Phoenix. The Compact is currently undergoing a general rules update with a focus on better tightening its regulations on importation and exportation of waste. It had anticipated having a vote on proposed rules during the March meeting, Hurley said, but weather forced the Commission to push the vote back. “Due to some weather issues in and around Austin, we were unable to meet at our regularly scheduled March meeting,” Hurley said. “That was what the Rules Committee had rolled out and voted upon, but because of the weather, we could not to do. We had a subsequent meeting, but we did not feel it was appropriate to vote on the rules at a non-regularly called meeting. We are pushing adopting those rules to the April meeting.”
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