In its first meeting since Texas Gov. Rick Perry shook up most of its membership, the Texas Compact Commission yesterday approved several Class A LLRW export petitions. The export permits will allow the companies, including the South Texas Project, Luminant, and Entergy, to continue sending their Class A waste to EnergySolutions’ Clive, Utah facility through May 2012. “What do we do about Class A waste that comes before us, given that the site is going to be open and operating?” Compact Commission Chairman Bob Wilson said. “From my perspective, it’s a balancing act we’re faced with and that relates to economics and capacity.” The Commission ultimately sided with the utility companies seeking export—kind of. The companies requested permission to continue exporting Class A throughout 2012, but Commissioners wanted to revisit the issue of exporting Class A in mid-2012, when more information may be available on the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality’s rate-setting process.
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