Brian Bradley
NS&D Monitor
Strategic Systems Programs SSP announced on April 14 it intends to contract with Lockheed Martin Mission Systems and Training to support the Trident 2’s Navigation Subsystem. The contractor will provide support of U.S. and U.K. fleets, trainer systems and trainer SSP Shipboard System Integration (SSI) Development Activities. After award, Lockheed’s work would also include refurbishing and recertifying the D5 backfit navigation subsystem during engineering overhauls of three ballistic missile submarines, SSI Increment 4 Navigation pilot course reports, SSBN Replacement Program Support, Navigation Subsystem Software Modernization and Restructuring Transformation efforts, and U.S. and U.K. logistics support for the Trident Navigation Subsystem. The contract will contain Fiscal Year 2016-sponsored efforts and options for FY 2017 efforts, according to the announcement. “As the design agent, LMMST is the only known source with the requisite design background, system knowledge and opearational experience relative to the TRIDENT II D5 Backfit Navigation Subsystem capable of providing the required effort with existing cost and schedule constraints,” the announcement states. “The Contract will include an option provision to increase the level-of-effort items up to 30%.”