The AECOM-led contractor in charge of liquid waste management at the Department of Energy’s Savannah River Site earned $28.57 million of a potential $30.28 million for its latest fee period.
That represents better than 94% of the possible fee, according to the DOE performance scorecard.
During the period from June 1, 2018, through March 31 of this year Savannah River Remediation earned $3.02 million of a potential $3.28 million for its subjective fee for work at the South Carolina facility. It garnered $25.56 million of a potential $26.98 million in its objective fees.
Last time around, SRR won more than $12.5 million, or 95% of about $13.2 million in potential fees for the period between Jan. 1 2018, and May 31, 2018, for storage, treatment, and disposal of about 35 million gallons of radioactive liquid waste at SRS.
In the latest performance evaluation, the Energy Department praised SRR for continued preparation of liquid waste resources, including the Saltstone Production Facility, for the increased demands anticipated once the Salt Waste Processing Facility starts operation in early in 2020. Another achievement was drafting a regulatory strategy document for early closure of the F-Tank Farm. In addition, the vendor continued progress on the design and construction of Saltstone Disposal Units (SDUs) 7, 8, and 9.
Worker safety incidents and government property management are two areas where SRR could improve, according to DOE.
The original 10-year, $5 billion contract for the SRR team, comprised of AECOM, Bechtel, CH2M, and BWX Technologies, expired at the end of 2017. The vendor team has received a series of extensions, and is currently scheduled to stay on the job through September 2020.
“We take pride in our purpose for remediating the single greatest environment risk to this state, and we are committed to reducing this risk for the Savannah River Site, the surrounding areas, and for the country,” said Savannah River Remediation President and Project Manager Tom Foster in an email statement.