The lifecycle cost estimate for the Department of Energy’s Environmental Management mission at the Savannah River Site has been extended 23 years and increased in cost by $25.2 billion, according to a DOE Savannah River presentation yesterday to the SRS Citizen’s Advisory Board. The estimate developed in 2014 pushed cleanup completion from Fiscal Year 2042 to Fiscal Year 2065 and has an estimated range of between $91 billion and $109 billion with an 8.6 year schedule contingency, according to the presentation by DOE Savannah River Missions Support Assistant Manager Doug Hintze.
The cost and schedule increase was a result of impacts across cleanup programs, combined with the delay in opening a national repository, which SRS estimates won’t happen until 2055. Liquid waste stabilization and disposition was extended 14 years to FY2014, solid waste disposition and soil and groundwater were extended 23 years to 2065. Meanwhile, deactivation of H-Canyon is slated 10 years earlier, and is scheduled now for 2023.
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