Liquid waste contractor Savannah River Remediation earned 95 percent of its available award and incentive fee in Fiscal Year 2014, according to a fee determination scorecard released yesterday. SRR earned $26.8 million in incentive fee and award fee out of a total available $28.5 million in available fee. That includes a $27,092 reduction in fee tied to the departure last year of former SRR Project Manager Ken Rueter ahead of a two year commitment, who was replaced by current Project Manager Stuart MacVean. The Department of Energy praised SRR for its support given to the incidents at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, its management of staff during the 2013 government shutdown and strides made in improving conduct of engineering. DOE also noted several issues needing improvement, including identification of hazards at the Defense Waste Processing Facility and management of construction of a new Saltstone disposal unit.
The contractor is “pleased to be recognized with a score that reflects the progress made in the Savannah River Site (SRS) Liquid Waste Program and the hard work of our employees,” SRR spokesman Dean Campbell said in a statement. “We were faced with a number of unusual challenges early in the year – lapse in funds, record cold weather, an ice storm and an earthquake, etc. – and we were able to safely overcome those challenges with outstanding performance. We are confident that our performance and our efforts to find and implement efficiencies in our operations puts us on the right path to support the Salt Waste Processing Facility when it becomes operational and to reduce the State’s single largest environmental risk in South Carolina, the liquid waste in SRS tanks. We will continue to safely and efficiently disposition the tank waste and operationally close waste tanks as we work with DOE, regulators and stakeholders to ensure we are meeting expectations and doing the right things.”
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