ARLINGTON, VA — The Fluor-led prime contractor for the Department of Energy’s Savannah River Site in South Carolina is drawing up a “master campus plan” for the 310-square-mile site to present to the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA).
The plan, required for NNSA sites, is a major undertaking, Savannah River Nuclear Solutions (SRNS) President and CEO Dennis Carr told Exchange Monitor Tuesday on the sidelines of the 17th annual Nuclear Deterrence Summit. The management and operations contractor plans to complete a draft of the document in fiscal 2025 and wrap up the final version in fiscal 2026, Carr said.
NNSA wants master campus plans, which looks at facilities and needs at DOE nuclear installations, Carr said. This is somewhat different than the approach taken by DOE’s Office of Environmental Management, which focuses more on remediation-related priorities at sites, he added.
NNSA took over as landlord at Savannah River Oct. 1 from the Environmental Management office. DOE decided to make the change with the site’s cleanup mission gradually winding down in the coming years while the NNSA will be ramping up plutonium pit production at the site near Aiken, S.C.
Carr cited the master campus plan during a panel session on DOE installations.