Several key Department of Energy Environmental Impact Statements for the Office of Environmental Management have uncertain schedules for completion, according to a DOE EIS schedule posted last week. That includes the completion of an EIS for the disposal of greater-than-class-c low-level radioactive waste, which is marked “schedule uncertain.” After initial delays, EM had planned to complete the EIS by the end of this calendar year, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Waste Management Frank Marcinowski said last month.
An EIS for the Santa Susana Field Laboratory also has an uncertain schedule, according to the document. EM has a procurement underway for cleanup work at the site, and the EIS must be completed before D&D work can begin. DOE has said that it expects to complete that EIS in 2015. And a Record of Decision for a supplemental EIS for the storage and management of elemental mercury also has an uncertain schedule, the latest schedule states. DOE officials said earlier this year that an ROD for the mercury report was expected sometime in 2014.