Sandia National Laboratories Director Paul Hommert announced yesterday that he plans to retire in mid-summer. “The process to name my successor is well underway and will be complete in time to support a smooth leadership transition,” he said in a release. “The timing for my retirement is consistent with commitments made to the Sandia Board of Directors and my family when I accepted this position some five years ago."
Hommert was named Sandia director in 2010, after having previously served as vice president of the lab’s California site and as executive vice president and deputy director for the Nuclear Weapons Program. In 2013, he was named as Laboratory Director of the Year by the Federal Laboratory Consortium. “Under Paul’s leadership, Sandia has excelled in carrying out research and development to ensure America’s economic and technological competitiveness while advancing key initiatives across the nuclear security enterprise,” Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz said in the release. “Paul has promoted innovative approaches to new and challenging scenarios. I want to thank Paul for his many years of service to Sandia and dedication to our nation.”