Todd Jacobson
NS&D Monitor
President Obama has nominated Robert Scher to be the new Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy, Plans and Capabilities in a move to replace Madelyn Creedon, who left the Pentagon to serve as the Principal Deputy Administrator of the National Nuclear Security Administration earlier this year. If he’s confirmed, Scher will slide into the Strategy, Plans and Capabilities position created as part of a DoD Office of Policy reorganization. Like it did when Creedon was the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Global Strategic Affairs, the position will include oversight of nuclear and missile defense policy, but countering weapons of mass destruction, cyber policy and space policy will be moved under the new Homeland Defense directorate.
Scher is currently serving as the acting Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Strategy, Plans and Forces and the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Plans, a position he has held since 2012. “The President and the Secretary have faith and confidence in Bob to serve in this role, and I know from personal experience that he will bring deep experience and energy to the job,” Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Christine Wormuth said in a memo announcing Scher’s nomination. “Bob has worked in around the Pentagon for his entire career, is well known for his excellent relationships with the Services, the Joint Staff, and many foreign officials throughout Asia. He is a great blend of regional and functional expertise, which will serve him well if confirmed.”