Moving ahead in its procurement for a follow-on contract for receipt, handling and treatment of low-level and mixed low-level waste, the Department of Energy plans to release a request for proposals within 30 to 60 days. The current set of Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity contracts for waste treatment services ends in June 2015. DOE intends to issue one or more Basic Ordering Agreements in the second quarter of Fiscal Year 2015, with a five-year period of performance, according to a notice posted yesterday. “Waste material to be treated under this requirement originates from Federal activities and includes clean-up, remediation, demolition, and operations waste, and or waste under the DOE’s purview,” the notice states. “The LLW and MLLW Treatment Services supports the EM mission of safely completing the cleanup of the environmental legacy brought about from five decades of nuclear weapons development and government-sponsored nuclear energy research.” More information is available at the procurement’s website.
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