Jeremy L. Dillon
RW Monitor
Portage has won the $100 million remediation contract for the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) site in Luckey, Ohio, the Army Corps of Engineers’ Buffalo District announced this week. The contract for environmental remediation services and ancillary construction to support the cleanup is worth up to $100 million over 10 years, with a five-year base period and one five-year option. The Corps set aside the new contract for small businesses, and the task order is identified as an indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity contract with a single award task order contract, which will be issued on a cost-reimbursable and firm fixed price basis.
A spokesperson from the Buffalo District said this week that Portage “represented the best value to the government” as reason for the contract award. The Corps, however, declined to comment on the chances of a protest to the award. Portage declined to comment on the contract award until after any possible protests are worked out.
The scope of work for the site mainly revolves around remediation-associated activities. “The contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, equipment, and supervision to perform the remedial activities required under this SOW that may include, but are not limited to, the development of work plans, development and implementation of site closure protocols, environmental monitoring, building demolition, excavation, waste characterization, waste packaging, and transport and disposal of materials contaminated with FUSRAP-related constituents of concern (COCs) which include beryllium (Be), lead (Pb), radium-226 (Ra226), thorium-230 (Th230), uranium-234 (U234) and uranium-238 (U238),” the Corps said. “Additional activities may include, but are not limited to: water handling/management, environmental investigation, design, construction and/or modification of site infrastructure, preparation of appropriate documents and work plans, site maintenance, site restoration, interaction with local state and state local agencies, emergency response agencies, assisting with preparation for and participation at public meetings, and any other actions necessary to remediate the Luckey Site.”