The U.S. branch of French nuclear company Orano said Wednesday it is preparing to deploy the first of its next-generation radioactive waste transport casks.
Columbia, Md.-based Orano TN has manufactured the initial NUHOMS MP197HB, but still must assemble the container, according to a press release. It is expected by the end of 2019 to be ready for use in transporting low-level waste from decommissioning of the retired Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant for disposal at the Waste Control Specialists facility in West Texas.
There are no other transport casks available in the United States for moving high-burnup and damaged spent fuel from nuclear reactors, the release says.
“The versatility of Orano’s MP197HB cask to transport low level radwaste from decommissioning sites today and to become the workhorse cask for securely moving a variety of used fuel canisters is critical for our industry,” Orano USA CEO Sam Shakir said in the release. “This versatility helps reduce decommissioning complexity and costs, simplify transport planning, and maintain commitments to the host communities for the safe management of radioactive materials.”
There was no immediate information before deadline Thursday regarding the company’s plans for production and potential sales of additional casks.
Orano is a subcontractor at Vermont Yankee, which closed in 2014 and was acquired from power company Entergy in January by New York City-based demolition specialist NorthStar Group Services. The new owner is now responsible for decommissioning, site restoration, and spent fuel management on the property. NorthStar and Orano have formed a separate joint venture, Accelerated Decommissioning Partners, to pursue additional nuclear power cleanup projects.