The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is seeking public comment on its draft Interim Staff Guidance document for the review of security exemptions at decommissioning plants, according to a posting in the Federal Register yesterday. If approved, the guidance would help establish a consistent review process for exemption requests from decommissioning plants. With the latest wave of plants entering decommissioning, the NRC is looking at ways to streamline the process so license requirements can better reflect the risk of a shutdown reactor. According to the NRC, this guidance would help deliver timely reviews. “This draft ISG would provide guidance to NRC staff in processing exemption requests and license amendments from the security requirements for nuclear power reactors that are undergoing the process of decommissioning,” the posting said. “Use of this draft ISG would result in consistent and timely reviews of requests for exemption from certain security regulations.” Comments are due by Jan. 8, 2015.
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