The Nuclear Regulatory Commission yesterday announced changes to key senior management positons. According to an NRC release, the highest-level changes will involve: Deputy Executive Director for Material, Waste, Research, State, Tribal, and Compliance Programs Mike Weber becoming director of the Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research; Deputy Director for Engineering in the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Jennifer Uhle becoming director of the Office of New Reactors; and Director of Nuclear Materials Safety and Safeguards Catherine Haney becoming the Region II administrator in January. “Our agency faces the challenge of reducing our size, becoming more efficient and delivering more value for the money,” NRC Chairman Stephen Burns said in a statement. “The steps announced today will put in place a management structure well suited to ensuring we accomplish our mission of protecting people and the environment even as we reduce our size and budget.” The changes will occur in November pending commission approval, while “future announcements will focus on additional steps to fill vacancies created by personnel movements and enhance succession planning,” the NRC said.
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