Morning Briefing - June 14, 2016
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June 14, 2016

NRC Can Improve Decommissioning Funds Reviews: IG

By Karl Herchenroeder

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s Inspector General’s Office has recommended the agency  take four actions to improve internal controls related to decommissioning funds reviews at nuclear power plants.

“The agency has adequate processes in place for coordinating with licensees to address possible decommissioning fund shortfalls,” according to the report made public on Monday. “However, the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) identified multiple opportunities for improvement in the agency’s decommissioning funds review process.”

Following an NRC audit that concluded in April, the IG issued its recommendations last week, suggesting the following: that NRC develop guidance for considering power reactor exemptions to plant operators; re-evaluate estimation mechanisms for determining minimum decommissioning funding; strengthen user controls and guidance on conducting decommissioning financial assurance reviews; and improve consistency in documenting decommissioning financial assurance reviews.

The report was delivered to NRC Executive Director for Operations Victor McCree on June 8. The agency did not provide a formal response in the report, but largely agreed with the findings and recommendations, the IG said.

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