Nuclear Security & Deterrence Monitor Vol. 28 No. 28
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Nuclear Security & Deterrence Monitor
Article 6 of 12
July 12, 2024

Notable anti-nuclear representative Garamendi announces cancer diagnosis

By ExchangeMonitor

A California member of the House Armed Services Committee, famed for his opposition to the current nuclear modernization regime, announced Monday that he has a form of blood cancer.

Rep. John Garamendi (D-Cali.), 79, was diagnosed with early stage multiple myeloma, a form of “treatable” blood cancer, according to a press release on his website.

“With early detection, excellent doctors, and the love and support of Patti, our entire family, my extraordinary staff, and congressional colleagues, I know I’ll get through this while continuing to serve my constituents and advance American democracy,” Garamendi said in the release.

Garamendi said he would be set Monday to start chemo-immunotherapy at Kaiser Oncology in Sacramento, Calif., as an outpatient.

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