The National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) recently announced that it somewhat-less-recently recognized contractors and national laboratory staff at the Nevada National Security Site for technical contributions to nuclear stockpile stewardship. Earlier this week, the semiautonomous Department of Energy agency shared the names of those projects with NS&D Monitor.
The following teams at the former nuclear weapon-testing site received Defense Programs Awards of Excellence on Oct. 12, an NNSA spokesperson said Tuesday:
- Broadband Laser Ranging Analysis and Software Development
- Cable Modeling for Underground Testing Data Analysis
- Coordinate Measuring Machine Replacement
- Cygnus Zoom Lens Upgrades
- Device Assembly Facility (DAF) Coring Capability
- DAF Lead-in Lines Fire Suppression System Project
- Enhanced Capabilities Subcritical Experiments Component Test Stand
- High-Yield X-ray Photocathodes for Next Generation Detectors
- Integrated Infrastructure Investment Strategic Planning Tool
- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Nevada National Security Site (NNSS) Legacy Disposition
- Project
- NNSS Experimental Portfolio Management
- Nuclear Material Management Database Development
- Opacity Spectroscopy at the National Ignition Facility
- Radiance and Reflectance to Enable Dynamic Temperature Measurements
- Radiographic Imaging at Flash X-ray Accelerator
- U1a.05 Drift Connection Project
- U1a.05 Screen Room Reconfiguration Team
Brig. Gen. Michael Lutton, the NNSA’s principal assistant deputy administrator for military application, presented the awards. The awarded teams include about 300 people, the NNSA said.