The National Nuclear Security Administration would study ways to reduce costs for the Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication Facility project under the House Armed Services Committee’s mark released yesterday for the Fiscal Year 2014 National Defense Authorization Act. In its FY14 budget request the NNSA cut funding for MOX and announced plans to slow down construction of the facility and examine alternatives for plutonium disposition after the project’s estimated price tag rose by around $3 billion. But the Defense Authorization language states that “the budget request may not actually reduce costs to the taxpayer and will likely delay the disposition of 34 metric tons of weapons grade plutonium.”
It directs the NNSA “to study ways to achieve cost savings within the MOX program. This study should analyze potential additional international partners and the potential for achieving greater economic efficiencies by designating additional supplies of surplus plutonium for disposition through the MOX facility.” It asks for completion of the study by April 2014. The legislation is similar to calls made by MOX supporter Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), who sits on the Senate Armed Services and Appropriations subcommittees and has suggested that instead of examining alternatives for the program the NNSA should pursue cost savings.