Sen. Graham, Gov. Haley also Expected to Join Tour of Site
Todd Jacobson
WC Monitor
Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz and National Nuclear Security Administration chief Frank Klotz will make a trip to the Savannah River Site on July 28, touring the site’s H Tank Farm and H-Canyon facility among other projects at the site. Moniz and Klotz will be accompanied by South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley (R) and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on the visit, which comes after the state of South Carolina has raised the threat of significant fines against the Department of Energy over delays in completing the SRS liquid waste cleanup.
According to a DOE statement, Moniz will “meet with workers, local elected officials, and stakeholders to engage in discussions on the site’s leadership in national security, environmental stewardship, and the development of cutting edge environmental remediation technologies” during his visit. A spokesman for Graham said the senator is “expected” to visit the site Monday but declined to say what Graham might address.
Moniz is also expected to visit the Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication Facility under construction at Savannah River and the Savannah River National Laboratory’s Applied Research Center, as well as meet with members of the local community. The visit will be the first by Moniz and Klotz since they were confirmed, and it represents the final stop on Klotz’s tour of the weapons complex. He’s already visited all three nuclear weapons laboratories as well as the Pantex Plant, Kansas City Plant, Y-12 National Security Complex and the Nevada National Security Site.