RadWaste Monitor Vol. 16 No. 21
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Morning Briefing
Article of 7
March 17, 2014


By ExchangeMonitor

The House is expected to begin consideration of the FY 2014 Energy and Water Appropriations Act this week, kicking off an effort from House Republicans to complete work on several funding bills during July. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) said in a memo Friday that the House would consider the FY 2014 Energy and Water bill along with the Defense, Financial Services, Transportation/HUD and Agriculture bills during the month. The House Appropriations Committee cleared the bill in late June, providing $7.67 billion for the NNSA’s weapons program, a cut of $193 million from the Administration’s request, and $2.1 billion for the agency’s nonproliferation account, a $40 million cut. The bill also provides approximately $5.5 billion for DOE’s Office of Environmental Management, down about $133 million from the request, and rejects a $463 million request for the uranium enrichment D&D fund. Also this week: 

  • The controversial Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication Facility will be the topic of a discussion at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Jeffrey Smith and Douglas Birch from the Center for Public Integrity, the authors of a four-part series on the project, will be joined in the discussion by Princeton professor Frank von Hippel and former AREVA executive Alan Hanson, who is now the executive director of the International Nuclear Leadership Education Program at MIT.
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    Several officials will discuss the 10th anniversary of the Proliferation Security Initiative at 3 p.m. Wednesday at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Polish Ambassador Ryszard Schnepf, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Rebecca Hersman, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for International Security and Nonproliferation Vann Van Diepen, and National Defense University’s Susan Koch will speak at the event.

  • The Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards, an independent review arm of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, will hold a meeting this week from July 9-12. Among other things, the group will reivew the NRC’s proposed rulemaking adjusting the 10 CFR Part 61 waste classification system, and a recent agency study that found moving spent nuclear fuel to dry cask storage within five years holds no significant safety benefit. The agenda for the meeting is available here.

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NEW: Via public records request, I’ve been able to confirm reporting today that a warrant has been issued for DOE deputy asst. secretary of spent fuel and waste disposition Sam Brinton for another luggage theft, this time at Las Vegas’s Harry Reid airport. (cc: @EMPublications)

DOE spent fuel lead Brinton accused of second luggage theft.

by @BenjaminSWeiss, confirming today's reports with warrant from Las Vegas Metro PD.

Waste has been Emplaced! 🚮

We have finally begun emplacing defense-related transuranic (TRU) waste in Panel 8 of #WIPP.

Read more about the waste emplacement here: https://wipp.energy.gov/wipp_news_20221123-2.asp

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