The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is soliciting statements of interest from parties that would like to join the facility in a potential bid to support the development of a radiological/nuclear detonation response plan for the state of California, according to a notice posted last week.
The notice said the California Emergency Management Agency released a request for proposals early this month for work on its statewide response plan, and that “LLNL seeks to offer its scientific expertise and/or capabilities in this technical area to provide the scientific and technical support” in developing this plan.
The state agency said in its RFP that the emergency response plan – in the event of a nuclear attack – would “guide response efforts from immediately following detonation through the rapid response phase of protecting the public from exposure and dangerous levels of radiation.” This includes a plan for the deployment of “whole community resources,” including the support of local, state, and federal government.
Bidders must have performed emergency management duties and disaster planning for a minimum of five years, the RFP said. Proposals to the state agency are due by 3 p.m. March 21, with a contract award set for April 21. The period of performance will be roughly 18 months after the contract is executed, with a possible 12-month additional extension, the RFP said.
Those interested in working with LLNL on this bid must send a written statement of interest, including a description of corporate expertise in this technical area, by March 31 to Brooke Buddemeier at [email protected].