Morning Briefing - December 13, 2022
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December 12, 2022

LANL had widespread internet outage

By ExchangeMonitor

A communications outage at the Los Alamos National Laboratory that began over the weekend was unresolved at portions of the lab as late as early Monday morning, according to the lab. 

“The Laboratory experiences a communications outage over the weekend due to a fiber-optic cable cut near Santa Fe which impacted cellular and internet services on-site,” reads a notice posted to an internal laboratory website, the text of which the Exchange Monitor saw on Monday. “As of Monday, Dev. 12, services have been restored. Crews are continuing to monitor the situation and updates will be provided if the situation changes.”

Someone familiar with the conditions at the lab said internet and WiFi were unavailable over the weekend at the site, and that not all service had been restored as of 6 a.m. Mountain time on Monday.

“The Laboratory trains and prepares for events such as these and has contingencies in place for them,” a lab spokesperson wrote Monday in an email. “We have multiple emergency communications systems so the Laboratory can continue essential operations to ensure the safety and security of the site and our personnel during outages such as the one that occurred over the weekend. At no point was the security of the site at risk and impact to operations was minimal. All services were restored as of Monday, Dec. 12.”

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