
ExchangeMonitor Publications & Forums publishes professional newsletters and digital information products  to facilitate an exchange of views and information among government officials, private industry executives, non-governmental organizations and other entities on critical national and international programs and policies.

A weekly publication (46 issues a year) providing news and intelligence on radioactive waste management, including: Commercial and Federal LLRW Disposal; Storage & Treatment; Decommissioning & Decontamination; Rad Material Recycling; GTCC & TRU Waste; HLW and Spent Fuel Disposition; Waste Classification and Regulation; FUSRAP and DoD Waste; and Waste Management at New Reactors

Yearly Subscription Rate: $1,695

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A weekly publication (46 issues a year) devoted to providing intelligence and inside information on cleanup and waste management within the Department of Energy’s Nuclear Weapons Complex. Includes first-hand reports from Washington, the major DOE sites and the national laboratories; interviews with top-level officials; and predictions for next moves that affect business strategy. 

Yearly Subscription Rate: $1,995

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The Weapons Complex Morning Briefing is emailed out Monday through Thursday prior to the beginning of the business day. It is a source of timely ‘news you can use’, serving as an informative supplement to the weekly editions of Weapons Complex Monitor, Nuclear Security & Deterrence Monitor and RadWaste Monitor. The Morning Briefing combines the coverage of WC Monitor, NS&D Monitor, and the DOE actions covered in the RadWaste Monitor into a daily resource that provides comprehensive coverage of the weapons complex. 

Yearly Subscription Rate: $995

To add on the Weapons Complex Morning Briefing to your existing subscription (only available to subscribers of Weapons Complex Monitor, Nuclear Security & Deterrence, or RadWaste Monitor), contact us at 1-888-707-5814 or [email protected]

A weekly publication (46 issues a year) devoted to covering all the activities of the U.S. National Nuclear Security Administration, including: modernization of the weapons complex; weapons dismantlement; nuclear deterrence; the weapons laboratories; and nonproliferation. Also includes insight on programs with Russia and other nuclear states. 

Yearly Subscription Rate: $1,895

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A daily publication covering the development of systems and technologies that will allow operations that inherently produce greenhouse gases to continue and adapt. Coverage includes: fossil-fueled electricity generation, cement production, steel manufacturing, food production and other processes that need to be maintained in a decarbonized economy.

A FREE publication.

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