The House’s 2016 Energy and Water Appropriations bill would allocate only $55 million for the Department of Energy’s Used Nuclear Fuel Disposition program, an approximate $53 million decrease compared to DOE’s requested amount and a $16.5 million decrease from the enacted 2015 budget. DOE was seeking approximately $108 million for its UNFD in 2016, including $18 million for deep borehole disposal research. The House, though, chose to focus on long-term dry cask storage integrity, according to the Energy and Water report released yesterday. “The Committee directs the Department to support research and development of advanced sensors, online monitoring, and other non-destructive evaluation and examination technologies to ensure long-term dry cask storage integrity,” the report said. “No funding is provided for integrated waste management system activities or new activities related to Department of Energy-Managed High Level Waste and Spent Nuclear Fuel.” The funding bill designates $6 million for railcar design and certification, as well as $7 million for activities related to the testing of high burnup fuel.
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