Businesses interested in leasing warehouse space for the Department of Energy’s Hanford Site in Washington state now have until Dec. 30 to formally express interest in a deal with the Leidos-led landlord contractor at the nuclear cleanup site.
Hanford Mission Integration Solutions (HMIS) initially published an online procurement notice Nov. 23 seeking a lease on a warehouse with at least 205,000-square feet located on a site of 10-acres or more. The original expressions of interest called for replies by Dec. 12. An updated one published Dec. 5 calls for responses by Dec. 30.
HMIS wants a large consolidated warehouse to replace current buildings being used around the DOE’s Hanford Site and Richland, Wash., according to the notice. HMIS prefers a warehouse close to major roadways and capable of accommodating deliveries from semi-trucks.
Earlier this year, HMIS was looking around for office and building space around the Hanford Site.
HMIS is looking for a 20-year lease.