Wintry weather continues to bedevil parts of the Department of Energy weapons complex in Washington state and Tennessee.
Most workers were sent home Wednesday morning from DOE’s Hanford Site in Washington due to freezing rain and an overnight swing shift was canceled, according to the agency. Regular work hours resumed Thursday although drivers were advised to look out for icy road conditions.
Snow and the dreaded “wintry mix” were in the National Weather Service forecast Thursday and Friday at Hanford.
Meanwhile, at the Oak Ridge Site in Tennessee, the Y-12 National Security Complex remains “closed to all but essential personnel,” according to a post on the social media platform X. Those who do show up should “wear good footwear and stay on cleared pathways,” according to the Y-12 post.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory will open today at 10 a.m. Eastern Time, according to its online post. Snow and “blowing snow” are in the overnight forecast for Oak Ridge, Tenn.
In the Northeast, snow is forecast through Saturday for the West Valley Demonstration Project in New York state, where daytime highs will strain to reach 20 degrees Fahrenheit, according to the local forecast. But the facility is located in Buffalo Bills country, where such January weather is fairly routine.