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Gather information through conference sessions, such as international financial support for nuclear energy, global suppliers for nuclear energy security, updates from the DoD on programs for advanced nuclear power, and much more!


Become a sponsor of the Nuclear Energy Security Summit to network and connect with major players in nuclear energy security.


Reach more than 200+ industry professionals over 2 days of the conference, with time built in for attendees to visit the exhibits.


The Summit will feature government and industry leaders, subject matter experts and regional stakeholders to chart a path for advanced nuclear power reactors to meet U.S. priorities for energy reliability, national security, international development, and environmental sustainment.

James E. Risch

United States Senator
State of Idaho

Youngjae Kim

Economic Minister
Embassy of the Republic of Korea

Jon Carmack, Ph.D.

Deputy Assistant Secretary
Office of Nuclear Energy, U.S. Department of Energy



The Nuclear Energy Security Summit is brought to you by ExchangeMonitor Publications in partnership with the United Coalition for Advanced Nuclear Power

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