2023 Agenda


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  1. 1:00 pm — 5:00 pm

    Pre-Conference: Enhanced Mission Delivery Initiative – The Field Perspective

    For an additional $149 to your registration price, you’ll have an opportunity to attend the Pre-Conference on Monday, February 13th to hear updates and have direct exchange with Nuclear Weapons Enterprise leadership from the plants, laboratories, field offices, and NNSA headquarters on EMDI.

    We will discuss what EMDI means to the field, what initiatives are underway, and what are the implications to the oversight versus partnership objective. We will hear updates on major efforts such as the PHASE X review results, plutonium management plan, efforts to prepare for full production of pits, supply chain management, and other initiatives.  Those attending will have ample opportunity to have in-depth exchanges with the panel and those in the audience and get a chance to develop a better understanding of this major, mission critical initiative.

    TechSource, Inc.
  2. 1:00 pm — 1:10 pm

    Welcome and Introductions

  3. 1:10 pm — 2:10 pm

    Pre-Conference: EMDI Initiative Overview

    EMDI Report and Findings: Jay Tilden, Deputy Associate Administrator, National Nuclear Security Administration 

    EMDI Follow-on Work/Actions Being Taken: James McConnell, Associate Principal Deputy Administrator, National Nuclear Security Administration 

  4. 2:10 pm — 2:20 pm

    Pre-Conference: Networking Break

  5. 2:25 pm — 5:00 pm

    Pre-Conference: Field Perspectives

    Welcome and Introductions: Jeff Giangiuli, President and COO, TechSource, Inc.

    Plant M&O and EFCOG EMDI Initiatives: Michael Lempke, President, Nuclear and Environmental Group, HII, and Chair, EFCOG

    Pantex/Y-12 and EMDI in the Field: David Beck, Vice President, Program Integration, Consolidated Nuclear Security, LLC

    Laboratory Perspective on EMDI in the Field; Paul Cloessner, Associate Laboratory Director, Weapons Production Technology, Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL)

    Weapons Knowledge Preservation and Transfer: Wendy Baca, Senior Weapons Engineer, TechSource Inc. 

    Total Program Perspective: Don Cook, Former Deputy Administrator for Defense Programs, National Nuclear Security Administration

  6. 5:30 pm — 7:00 pm

    15th Anniversary Celebration Reception for All Attendees

    Please join us to celebrate the 15th Anniversary of the Nuclear Deterrence Summit. This casual gathering will include live music, beer, wine, cocktails and hors d’oeuvres. The reception is being held on the Chesapeake View rooftop which overlooks the Potomac River.

    This reception is your chance to have fun, create new connections, and visit with old friends! There is no need to register for this event as it is sponsored by our friends at Longenecker & Associates

    Longenecker & Associates


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  1. 7:30 am — 8:30 am

    Networking Breakfast

    Networking Breakfast

    The Aerospace Corporation
  2. 8:30 am — 9:30 am

    Opening Keynote - Updates from NNSA Leadership

    This session will discuss the latest priorities for the NNSA Leadership including, workforce recruitment and retention, ongoing challenges in infrastructure while building for future needs and requirements, monitoring pit production in accordance with DoD needs including the changing security landscape and maximizing NNSA capabilities for other challenges, such as using strengths in nonproliferation to assist the development of nuclear energy and thereby fight climate change, as well as developing new capabilities to meet new needs, such as in pandemic prevention and biology and exascale computing. 

  3. 9:30 am — 10:30 am

    Modernization of the Nation’s Strategic Nuclear Deterrent

    Ensuring the ongoing modernization of the U.S. nuclear deterrent is critical to maintaining its credibility through the lens of our enemies and our global allies. In this session, we will hear from both the U.S. Senate Ranking Member and the U.S. House of Representatives Chairman of the Strategic Forces Subcommittee of the Committees on Armed Services on U.S. strategic nuclear deterrence and its ongoing modernization, including the land, sea and air-based legs of the triad, nuclear command, control, and communications (NC3) and the National Nuclear Security Administration, and related topics on hypersonics, missile defense and space.

  4. 10:30 am — 11:00 am

    Networking Break

    Networking Break

  5. 11:00 am — 12:00 pm

    Updates from National Lab Directors

    The directors of the Lawrence Livermore, Los Alamos and Sandia National Laboratories will discuss how they are working to ensure an adaptive, responsive and resilient nuclear security enterprise in today’s geopolitical climate. The directors will also discuss how the national laboratories are tackling a number of challenges, including:

    • Meeting the NNSA’s call for major actions to improve performance and remove obstacles.
    • Addressing supply chain issues and inflation impacts.
    • Recruiting, developing and maintaining a diverse next-generation workforce. 
    • Continuing to capitalize existing infrastructure and move forward with key capital projects. 
    • Ensuring effective cyber security.
    • Integrating work with the various production sites and NNSA headquarters.
  6. 12:00 pm — 12:10 pm

    Supplier Showcase

    Stay tuned for a short video detailing Model Performance’s work with our national labs, and stop by their display for more information.

  7. 12:10 pm — 1:00 pm

    Networking Lunch

    Networking Lunch

  8. 1:00 pm — 2:15 pm

    Engage Diverse Talent, Promote Innovation, Engineer Futures

    A conversation about creating and engaging diverse talents in today’s environment.  We will explore current and future programs that are engaging diversity in order to meet mission needs. You will hear from the president’s Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Advisory Council Chairman on progress to promote and encourage agencies to utilize the HBCU workforce on a national scale.  

  9. 2:15 pm — 3:00 pm

    Plenary Session - Nuclear Weapons Council: New Ways of Addressing Complex Challenges within the Nuclear Enterprise Nuclear Enterprise

    Following release of the 2022 Nuclear Posture Review, ASD Rosenblum will highlight how the NWC is considering today’s dynamic security environment, the future threat, and a constrained enterprise when making strategic trades and choices among its priorities. As the NWC Staff Director, ASD Rosenblum will discuss the integrated approach the NWC is taking to ensure a balanced, flexible nuclear stockpile capable of addressing uncertainty, pacing the threat, and maintaining effectiveness.

  10. 3:00 pm — 3:30 pm

    Networking Break

    Networking Break

    Boston Government Services, LLC
  11. 3:30 pm — 4:30 pm

    Nuclear Enterprise Modernization, Progress and Challenges

    While a few major line-item projects usually get the most attention, just as important are the wide range of construction projects designed to modernize and upgrade the nuclear weapons enterprise. This panel will focus on the work being done to build the facilities necessary to support the next generation of stockpile stewards and their work to meet military requirements for a safe, secure and reliable systems.

  12. 4:30 pm — 5:30 pm

    Update to Current Pit Production Goals and Expectations

    The NNSA plans to produce at least 30 pits annually at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in 2026 and at least 50 pits annually at the Savannah River Site in Aiken, S.C., sometime next decade. This session will discuss current expectations and progress for pit production schedules

  13. 5:30 pm — 7:30 pm

    Rockin' Red Awareness Reception

    Please join us for an evening in celebration of Valentine’s Day and National Heart Awareness Month. The reception will feature specialty “red cocktails”, beer, wine and hors d’oeuvres and will take place in the exhibit hall.

    This reception is your chance to have fun, create new connections, and visit with old friends! There is no need to register for this event as it is sponsored by our friends at Fluor

    Fluor Corporation


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  1. 7:30 am — 8:30 am

    Networking Breakfast

    Networking Breakfast

    Model Performance Group
  2. 8:30 am — 9:30 am

    Plenary Session - Updates from the Office of Defense Programs, National Nuclear Security Administration

    This session will discuss how the new Deputy Administrator for Defense Programs and the members of the Stockpile Stewardship Program are fulfilling the Administration’s priorities and maintaining the safety, security and reliability of the Nation’s strategic deterrent. This session will also feature engaged perspectives from Industry focusing on the information technology and cybersecurity.  These are integral Classified Computing frameworks critical to maintaining safety, security, and reliability as well as support to advancing the mission.

  3. 9:30 am — 10:30 am

    Weapons Directors Update

    Join this session to hear the latest updates from the leaders responsible for our national laboratory weapons programs.  They lead scientific, engineering, and other technical efforts that are the foundation to the safety, security, and effectiveness of the U.S. nuclear deterrent.  The session will provide an opportunity to hear an unclassified update on their respective weapons programs; challenges of design and maintenance projects that address system modifications, alternations, life extension, and stewardship; and the impacts and implications of recapitalization, schedule compression with mission expansion, and enhanced mission delivery initiatives.

  4. 10:30 am — 11:00 am

    Networking Break

    Networking Break

    Amazon Web Services
  5. 11:00 am — 12:15 am

    Perspectives from NNSA Site Operations

    This session will feature engaged discussion among the contractor heads at key NNSA sites responsible for stockpile stewardship and national security. In a time of record budgets, these leaders will discuss a number of priorities and challenges, including the progress of NNSA’s warhead modernization efforts; the status of increased plutonium pit production; instilling a culture of disciplined nuclear operations as the workforce evolves and new workers come in; ensuring strong safety performance; continued infrastructure modernization; addressing supply chain challenges and recruiting and maintaining the next-generation of workers in today’s workforce environment. 

  6. 12:15 pm — 1:15 pm

    Networking Luncheon

    Networking Luncheon

    SOC LLC (Day Zimmerman)
  7. 1:15 pm — 2:00 pm

    Nuclear Posture Review Implementation

    The 2022 NPR highlights the deteriorating security environment, noting that by the 2030s the United States, for the first time, will face two major nuclear powers as strategic competitors and potential adversaries: Russia and China. This session will discuss implementation strategies for optimal results.

  8. 2:00 pm — 3:00 pm

    International Deterrence Policy

  9. 3:00 pm — 3:30 pm

    Networking Break

    Networking Break

  10. 3:30 pm — 4:30 pm

    Modernization of the Air, Land and Sea-Legs of the Strategic Nuclear Triad

    U.S. Air Force and Navy leaders directing the modernization of the backbone of the U.S. strategic nuclear deterrent will review the status and requirements for modernizing the air, land and sea-based leg of the strategic nuclear triad.  We’ll learn more about modernizing the air-based leg of the triad, including the B-21 bomber, upgrades to B-52s and the role of F-35s plus the Long-Range Standoff (LRSO) missile, the land-based leg with Sentinel and new ICBMs, and the sea-based leg with the Columbia Class submarine and its associated Trident II D5 missiles.

  11. 4:30 pm — 4:30 pm

    Summit Ends

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David Brumbach

(717) 497-1625

[email protected]


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Program Manager
Tel: 703-527-2764
Cell: 703-868-3129
[email protected]

Sponsorship and Exhibit Opportunities:

David Brumbach
Account Executive
Tel: 301-354-1774
[email protected]

Marketing and Registration:

Beth Wagner
Associate Brand Director
[email protected]


Mariah Brackens
Assistant Operations Manager
[email protected]

Group Publisher:

Brian Nessen
Group Publisher
Tel: 713-705-1512
[email protected]