GHG Daily on Thursday launched its comprehensive Paris Agreement Hub. The hub consists of an up-to-date table displaying in one place all of the information our readers need to track the entry into force of the global climate change accord.
The table includes a summary of how many nations representing what percentage of global greenhouse gas emissions have formally joined the agreement. A comprehensive list of all participating states shows which nations have formally joined the agreement and when, displays the percentage of global emissions each nation is responsible for, and links to the nationally determined contributions (NDCs) of those nations that have submitted them.
The Paris Agreement will enter into force 30 days after 55 nations representing at least 55 percent of global GHG emissions have formally joined by depositing with the United Nations their instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval, or accession. At this time, 22 nations representing 1.08 percent of global GHG emissions have formally joined the agreement.
The hub will be updated as soon as any new information becomes available, keeping our readers constantly informed on the progress of the agreement’s entry into force.
The Paris Agreement Hub also features a collection of GHG Daily’s regular coverage of news and events related to the agreement.