March 17, 2014


By ExchangeMonitor

Ted Sherry, who until December was the top federal official at the National Nuclear Security Administration’s Y-12 Site Office, has joined Oak Ridge National Laboratory to help build the lab’s national security work, ORNL Global Security chief Brent Park said Friday. Sherry will start Feb. 6 as the Director of Advanced Programs, and Park said Sherry’s national security experience will be used at the UT-Battelle-run lab to broaden “the engagement of the national security community in ORNL’s new Advanced Manufacturing Initiative.” 

Sherry served as the Y-12 Site Office Manager since 2006, and he left the federal government in November as the agency was consolidating the Y-12 and Pantex site offices to oversee its planned consolidated nuclear production contract. At the time, he said he wanted to remain in Oak Ridge and was interested in a job where he would “become part of an important mission, something bigger than myself.”

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