Testimony on a restraining order, keeping the Department of Energy contractor running the Oak Ridge National Laboratory from placing a small group of COVID-19 vaccine refusers on unpaid leave, has closed and the order will remain in effect short-term.
The current temporary restraining order will “remain in effect until either Friday at 5:00 p.m. or ruling on the Preliminary Injunction is entered,” by U.S. District Judge Charles Atchley Jr., according to a court update filed online Wednesday in the Eastern District of Tennessee.
Testimony in the suit brought against laboratory operator UT-Battelle took place Tuesday and Wednesday in a federal courtroom in Knoxville, Tenn. It focused on witnesses, affidavits, emails and other records concerning medical and religious exemption requests sought by a half-dozen lab employees who refuse to be vaccinated against COVID-19.
Among other things the plaintiffs argue that UT-Battelle is being too rigid in its interpretation of executive orders issued in September by President Joe Biden pushing vaccinations of federal employees and federal contract workers by early December. The plaintiffs say there are alternatives short of mandating inoculation for all, such as masking, testing or remote work, that would protect lab staff without costing plaintiffs their income.