EnergySolutions, Salt Lake City, planned to open a manufacturing facility in southeastern Tennessee to make parts for nuclear power plants, the company announced Tuesday in a press release.
For the task, the company plans to “immediately” begin refurbishing a 200,000 square-foot building it owns in Roane County, Tenn., according to the press release, which hit the wire less than a month after the company acquired the bankrupt heavy equipment manufacturer Williams Industrial Services Group, Atlanta.
EnergySolutions did not say when it expects the plant to open. According to the press release, parts the company plans to fabricate in Roane County include:
- Steel-plate composite walls
- Tanks
- Pressure vessels
- Pipe spools
- Pipe hangers
In Tuesday’s press release, EnergySolutions said it aims to compete for business in both nuclear plant life extension and new plant construction.
In addition to the new Nuclear Services business it created from the former Williams, EnergySolutions operates a low-level waste disposal site in Clive, Utah, and is decommissioning the Unit 2 reactor at Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania, which partially melted down in the 1970s.