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Biden intends to nominate Ike White for DNFSB post
President Joe Biden said Thursday afternoon he plans to nominate William Isaac (Ike) White, acting head of Department of Energy nuclear cleanup since mid-2019, to become a member of the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board. News of the planned nomination, in a White House press release, comes only three weeks prior to when White would mark his fifth anniversary overseeing DOE’s $8-billion Office of Environmental Management. It also comes with the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB), lacking a quorum and with its chair’s tenure set to end in October. Separately, DOE told Exchange Monitor via email Thursday “selection of a new EM leader will be the subject of an…
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Weapons Complex Morning Briefing
Mo. house passes bill providing tax break for KC nuclear weapons workers
On Friday, the Missouri House passed a bill offering tax breaks to expand the National Nuclear Security Administration’s nuclear-weapons-parts plant in Kansas City. “This is a huge economic benefit for Kansas City,” Rep. Chris Brown (R-Kansas City), who sponsored the…
Weapons Complex Monitor
Some surprised by White DNFSB news, ponder what’s next at EM
Some, not all, weapons complex watchers contacted Thursday were caught off guard by President Joe Biden’s announcement of the planned nomination of William (Ike) White, longtime acting Department of Energy cleanup boss, to join the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board.…
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Oak Ridge National Laboratory – Oak Ridge, TN

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RadWaste Monitor
NRC's Hanson to get vote in Senate after Memorial Day recess
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) on Thursday filed a procedural motion to limit further debate on Christopher Hanson’s nomination to serve five more years at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. When the Senate returns to Washington on June 3, lawmakers…
Nuclear Security & Deterrence Monitor
House committee passess NDAA; legally binding pit dates, ICBM minimum, stand
The House Armed Services Committee on Wednesday voted to keep legally binding  pit-production dates that the National Nuclear Security Administration does not believe it will meet. It was one of the few debates about nuclear weapons during Wednesday’s 12-hour markup…
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