Weapons Complex Monitor Vol. 35 No. 19
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May 10, 2024

DOE releases details on May 23 SRS clean energy information day

By Staff Reports

The Department of Energy kicks off its second Cleanup to Clean Energy information day for the Savannah River Site in South Carolina at noon May 23 at 12 p.m. Eastern Time at Aiken Technical College, according to a notice issued by the agency this week.

The session is scheduled to run through about 4 p.m. at the college in Graniteville, S.C., according to the notice DOE published Monday. The agency is already starting to evaluate solar power proposals gleaned from the site’s first clean energy solicitation in March, Savannah River’s Environmental Management office manager said last week.

The second Savannah River information day will focus more on carbon-free power options that could require longer lead times for permitting and construction, such as small modular nuclear reactors, DOE has said.

Parties interested in attending the session should email attendee information to [email protected].

The program seeks to tap unused land, more than 8,000 acres of which, is available at the 310-square-mile Savannah River Site, available for carbon-free electric generation. President Joe Biden’s executive order 14057 seeks to have federal installations powered by 100 % pollution-free electricity on a net annual basis by 2030. 

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