The Department of Energy on Friday announced the availability of $68.4 million in funding for projects under its Carbon Storage Assurance and Facility Enterprise (CarbonSAFE) initiative. In the two funding opportunity announcements, DOE’s Office of Fossil Energy said it “seeks cost-shared projects that will determine the feasibility of developing onshore and/or offshore geologic storage complexes capable of cumulatively accepting commercial-scale (50+ million metric tons) volumes of CO2.”
The first FOA seeks CCS pre-feasibility studies for a commercial-scale geologic storage site. “The projects will develop a plan encompassing technical requirements, as well as both economic feasibility and public acceptance of an eventual storage project. In addition, selected projects will perform a high-level technical evaluation of the sub-basin and potential CO2 source(s),” according to a DOE release. The department expects to award 12 projects up to $1.2 million each under the FOA.
The second FOA seeks research and development projects “to perform the initial characterization of a storage complex identified as having high potential,” the release says. Ten projects are expected to be awarded up to $10 million apiece under the FOA.
Applications for each FOA are due by Aug 23. Details regarding how to apply can be found on