The competition for the new Idaho Cleanup Project (ICP) Core contract is now set to get underway in earnest, with the Department of Energy having issued the final Request for Proposals for the new contract late last week. The final RFP includes a new set of changes to the proposed fee structure for the contract, including reverting back to a three-date structure that includes Max Fee Date, Target Fee Date, and Min Fee Date as schedule milestones. Previously, DOE had announced plans to only have Max Fee and Min Fee dates for the schedule milestones.
DOE also stressed to potential bidders in an attached letter that the scope of work concerning the Integrated Waste Treatment Unit is a priced option that may or may not be exercised and that the Department “fully expects the current incumbent contractor to complete the IWTU startup under its existing contract with DOE.” The IWTU workscope has a fixed-fee component that will not be subject to “clawback” based on contractor performance, DOE said. In addition, DOE said it may choose to exercise the IWTU option within three years of the contract effective date.
Bids for the new ICP contract are due by May 12, and DOE plans to hold a pre-proposal conference and site tour March 31-April 1. The new contract is intended to replace the two current cleanup contracts at the Idaho site that are currently set to expire in September—one held by CH2M-WG Idaho that is responsible for the bulk of the cleanup work at the site; and one held by Idaho Treatment Group, LLC, to manage the Advanced Mixed Waste Treatment Project.
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