Jeremy L. Dillon
RW Monitor
The Department of Energy issued a Request for Proposals this week for low-level and mixed-low level waste treatment services for its Office of Environmental Management cleanup program. The current set of Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity-type contracts for waste treatment services ends in June 2015. The RFP could result in the issuance of one or more Basic Ordering Agreements for a period of five years, with no associated option periods. Work will be performed using competitive firm-fixed price task orders issued against the treatment BOA for DOE Offices, Prime Contractors, and Subcontractors, DOE said in a release.
According to the release, “The RFP is for the treatment of LLW and MLLW including liquid and solid Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) regulated waste, such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and, asbestos. Also, under this requirement, DOE seeks a contractor to provide services such as: Treatment Storage Disposal Facility (TSDF) Authorized Release for Directed Disposal including Bulk Survey for Release (BSFR), Restricted and Unrestricted Recycling/Reuse, Low Activity Waste (LAW) Services, Ancillary Services, and support in establishing authorized release limits.” Response are due by April 7, 2015.