The Department of Energy awarded additional Office of Environmental Management work to three businesses yesterday— CTI & Associates for work at Los Alamos, KPMG, LLP, for auditing services, and AR Biddle & Associates for contract claims work. The KPMG task order totals $2.9 million, started yesterday and will run through March 2015. It will including pricing proposals, change order proposals, requests for equitable adjustment and other auditing and review services at offices and projects supported by EM’s Consolidated Business Center. CBC also awarded a new contract to the small business CTI for site characterization and erosion control work at the airport landfill in Los Alamos, N.M. The time and material contract has a three-year period of performance and a $2.25 million ceiling. “The contractor will be responsible for taking soil samples, testing them for various contaminates, reporting the findings, and for building a permanent soil erosion control system,” the CBC said in a statement. The AR Biddle award added scope to a contract to analyze contract claims appealed to the Civilian Board of Contract Appeals. The move increased the not-to-exceed value from about $560,000 to $1.2 million and extended the period of performance to three years.
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