AVANTech Inc. of Columbia, S.C., has acquired Mid Columbia Engineering Inc. (MCE), a Richland, Wash., firm that has done work at the nearby Hanford Site. The terms of the transaction were not disclosed.
AVANTech plans to continue to expand the Richland manufacturing and service facility and use it to help deliver products and services to Hanford and to expand its West Coast business. “Furthermore, this expands AVANTech’s capacity with the DOE and provides us with key operations personnel and products needed to provide local services to the DOE sites at the Hanford reservation, Oak Ridge reservation and the Savannah River Site,” said Jim Braun, AVANTech president. “This helps round out our DOE offering.”
Fred Yapuncich, MCE president, now will serve as chief operating officer of the Richland facility. All employees will be retained, according to AVANTech.
The expanded company will continue to focus on wastewater treatment and recycling, cleanup, and waste packaging services. Together AVANTech and MCE, which is becoming an AVANTech division, have provided products and services to more than 175 nuclear facilities in 14 countries.
Mid Columbia Engineering, founded in 1975, has worked on the autosampling systems for sampling and testing high-level radioactive waste at the Hanford Waste Treatment Plant. It also has fabricated systems and components for the DUF6 conversion plants at Paducah and Portsmouth and Waste Solidification Building at Savanah River.