The University of California is seeking a small business subcontractor for a cleanup project to address a set of aging excess facilities at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory’s “old town” section. The subcontract would be for demolition engineering design services. “There are multiple buildings over a two acre site that are planned to be isolated; abated; demolished in phases; subslab soil to be characterized and, as required, cleaned up,” according to a sources sought notice posted Friday. “Site stabilization will need to be performed and the site finishes designed for weather and public/emergency access.”
The construction cost of the project is expected to be between $14 million and $18 million. “The work may include but is not limited to the review of building characterization reports, as-built drawings and other documents; the preparation for design drawings and specifications, preparation of a demolition plan and bid documents; possible preparation of utility deactivation and rerouting plans,” the notice states. Responses are due Nov. 11.