The Department of Energy appears set to make a change in the Federal Project Director position for the Salt Waste Processing Facility at the Savannah River Site, WC Monitor has learned. The current FBD is Tony Polk, but the poor relationship between DOE project officials and executives with SWPF contractor Parsons have been the subject of numerous reports and reviews in recent weeks, including the latest Construction Project Review conducted by DOE headquarters. In response to the issues between DOE and its project team, Parsons has made several changes in the last 18 months—including replacing the top two officials on the project—but the change in FPD would be the first such change by the Department on the project. While no final decisions on a successor for Polk have been made, B&W executive Pam Horning appears to be the leading candidate for the position. DOE did not return calls for comment yesterday.
Notably, the Federal Project Director position on the National Nuclear Security Administration’s MOX plant construction project at SRS is vacant, but DOE leadership have deemed the SWPF position to be a greater need and are expected to fill that job first.
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