Nuclear Security & Deterrence Vol. 19 No. 2
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Nuclear Security & Deterrence Monitor
Article 6 of 20
January 16, 2015

At Livermore

By Todd Jacobson

LLNL Develops Realistic Radiological/Nuclear Training Technology

NS&D Monitor

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory said this week that it has developed a technology that will help train first responders on radiological and nuclear hazards. The technology involves injecting simulated radiation signals into the analog simplifiers of real radiation detectors that are used by first responders and inspectors. The Spectroscopic Injection Pulser (SIP) will improve upon existing training methods involving surrogate radioactive materials by providing more realistic radiation detection training. With the SIP, training results will be indistinguishable by detection instruments from actual radiation sources, the lab said.

To simulate the existence of live radioactive material, the technology provides instrument responses such as count rates, energy fingerprints (spectra) and dose rates, according to the release. Those responses would usually only happen if the instruments were close to a real radiation source. Also, the SIP’s wireless communications capabilities can provide trainers with broader command and control options for exercises, according to the release. The communications system will allow instructors to observe team members’ actions as they deal with realistic scenarios, provide guidance, monitor health physics, communicate information and data to command centers and deliver technical real-time guidance.

For certain training scenarios, virtual samples could be collected and transmitted to a laboratory for analysis, the lab said. “This technology could dramatically improve responder preparedness against more realistic scenarios including better representation of the actual hazards while not requiring those same responders to become, for example, certified radioactive or other hazardous material handlers,” said Steven Kreek, leader of the Nuclear Detection and Countermeasures R&D Program in the lab’s Global Security Directorate. “By working directly with instrument manufacturers, we’re hoping they will design future response instrumentation to interface directly with our SIP.”

Company to Build Solar Array on Lab Property

NS&D Monitor

A solar power electrical generation system will be built at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory by Whitethorn Solar, the National Nuclear Security Administration said this week. The agency finalized a license agreement with Whitethorn, a subsidiary of Juwi Solar Inc., this week for the company to build a 3 megawatt fixed-tilt solar photovoltaic array in a 10-acre area along the lab’s boundary by Vasco Road. The facility is expected to produce approximately 6,300 megawatt/hours a year, and Whitethorn Solar will sell the electricity generated by the station to the Western Area Power Administration through a 20-year purchase power contract. The NNSA will buy the power under a current agreement with WAPA for Livermore and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Livermore spokeswoman Lynda Seaver said the lab pays a slightly lower rate than the average consumer.

The NNSA said the system will represent DOE/NNSA’s largest solar power purchase from an on-site facility and is the first in the western region. “This solar power purchase through Western supports national energy security, the clean energy economy, and climate change goals articulated by the President,” NNSA Administrator Frank Klotz said in a statement. “NNSA is proud to contribute to these important goals and enhance energy security and renewable energy efforts at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.”

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