WC Monitor
Hanford Tri-Party Agreement Milestones Comment Period Extended
The comment period for proposed new Tri-Party Agreement milestones for the Hanford’s Site’s Central Plateau and 300 Area has been extended again. The comment period was to end Jan. 15 under an earlier extension but now will continue to Feb. 12 at the request of Hanford Challenge. The comment period started Oct. 26. The proposed new milestones cover much of the remaining environmental cleanup work, or plans for the remaining work, in central Hanford other than work associated with the Department of Energy site’s waste tanks. The proposed changes call for extending some current central Hanford milestones by almost a decade and delaying requirements to set some milestones until more information becomes available. New river corridor milestones would cover excavation of the 618-10 Burial Ground and the spill under the 324 Building. More information is posted on the events calendar a twww.hanford.gov under each day of the comment period. Comments may be emailed to [email protected].
Hanford Med Services Contractor Gets Most of Incentive Fee
HPM Corp., the Hanford Site’s occupational medical services provider, has received 89.9 percent of the available incentive fee for fiscal 2015, the Department of Energy announced. “The contract exceeded the majority of performance goals and objectives for the performance period,” DOE said in a summary of the fee determination results. The small business contractor has been paid $287,680 of a possible $320,000. It received a rating of “excellent” for worker health and well-being, which earned 24.25 percent of the 25 percent possible of the total fee; a rating of “very good” for customer satisfaction, which earned 31.65 percent of the 35 percent possible of the total fee; and a rating of “very good” for operational effectiveness, which earned 34 percent of the 40 percent possible of the total fee.
The summary listed no significant deficiencies. Under significant achievements, it said HPM Corp. continued to provide superior worker health and well-being support for the Hanford Site. The contractor achieved an upward trend for customer satisfaction for patients and site contractors. DOE also said HPM “demonstrated superior operational effectiveness in the Beryllium Program.” Operational effectiveness was judged on the company’s beryllium program support and its communications with stakeholders, including the Beryllium Awareness Group, the Hanford Advisory Board, the prime Hanford contractors, and DOE. Customer satisfaction was judged on surveys of patient satisfaction and surveys of prime contractors and the Hanford DOE offices. HPM’s rating for worker health and well-being was based on an independent annual assessment and its response to worker concerns.