Jeremy L. Dillon
RW Monitor
The Army has begun seeking a disposal site for depleted uranium-contaminated materials. This week, the Army Contracting Command-Rock Island issued a Sources Sought notice to help determine “the availability of contractors who have a licensed facility and are able to provide low level radiological waste.” Responses to the notice are due by June 18.
The material to be addressed includes DU-contaminated dewatered solids and DU-contaminated process debris, all of which falls under the Class A distinction. The waste is contaminated materials from the production of depleted uranium munitions penetrators, including “Surface Contaminated Objects (SCO), plastic sheeting, wood, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) banks, contaminated lathes, and mold carts, HEPA and bag filters, plastic sheeting, wood, scrap metal and shavings, PPE and other miscellaneous compactable materials,” the notice said.