Confirmed active cases of COVID-19 among National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) employees rose by six this week, the semi-autonomous Department of Energy nuclear-weapons agency said Friday.
The NNSA was tracking 104 active cases of the disease caused by the novel coronavirus on Friday, enough that the rate of confirmed cases outpaced recoveries by half a dozen, a spokesperson said. Overall, the NNSA as of Friday had confirmed 609 cases of COVID-19 among its federal and contractor workforce. Two NNSA site workers have died; one wss employed at the Nevada National Security Site, the other at the Y-12 National Security Complex in Tennessee.
The NNSA does not disclose the overall productivity loss from its COVID-19 response, which typically requires anybody who had contact with someone who tests positive to quarantine for two weeks. Face coverings and physical distancing are mandatory at most agency locations, for employees who must report to work on-site. Only the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico has said that it requires mandatory, random COVID-19 for members of the workforce who are still reporting in each day.
This week, new confirmed cases declined in almost every NNSA host locality. Only Anderson County, Tenn., home of the Y-12 National Security Complex, and a group of several counties surrounding Los Alamos had more new cases than they did in the prior week
National Laboratories Cases
Following are the reported numbers of confirmed COVID-19 cases at NNSA nuclear weapons laboratories, and increases relative to the prior week, as reported Friday.
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory:
Cases: 57 (+2). Livermore is the only lab that does not test its own employees.
Los Alamos National Laboratory:
Cases: 56 (+1)
Internal tests: 4,885 (+7). Los Alamos’ internal testing program was in a planned pause for the week just ended, a lab spokesperson said Friday.
Teleworking: Roughly 51% of all employees.
Sandia National Laboratories:
Cases: 60 (+2)
Albuquerque: 49 (+2)
Livermore: 11 (+0)
Internal tests: 2,418 (+93).
Teleworking: Roughly 60% of all employees.
Cases in NNSA Host Regions
Following is Nuclear Security & Deterrence Monitor’s weekly digest of confirmed COVID-19 cases, including fatal cases, in the host cities and counties of NNSA nuclear weapons sites. The figures below are based on cumulative cases recorded since the first confirmed U.S. instance of COVID-19 in January.
Data come from a tracker maintained by Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and from select states, counties, and cities, where noted.
The Monitor tracks weekly changes, using the latest data available at deadline, which is sometimes current as of the Thursday before publication.
Testing figures represent the number of tests performed, not the number of people tested.
Missouri – Kansas City National Security Campus
Kansas City
Total confirmed cases: 9,903
Cumulative week-to-week increase: 383
Growth (+), or decline (-), in new confirmed cases, compared with prior week: -300
Fatal cases: 101 (+0 from the prior week, five fewer new deaths this week than last).
Missouri, Statewide:
Total cases: 97,591
Cumulative week-to-week increase: 7,952
Growth (+), or decline (-), in new confirmed cases, compared with prior week: -1,473
Fatal cases: 1,691 (+105 from the prior week, 31 fewer new deaths this week than last).
Testing Rate: 17,660 tests per 100,000 people (8% more people tested per 100,000 this week than last, 22% more than three weeks ago).
Cumulative tests performed as of this week: 1,083,924 (+75,846 from last week; +198,050 in three weeks).
New Mexico – NNSA Albuquerque, Sandia National Laboratories, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Bernalillo County/Albuquerque:
Total confirmed cases: 6,012
Cumulative week-to-week increase: 617
Growth (+), or decline (-), in new confirmed cases, compared with prior week: -63
Fatal cases: 163 (+4 from the prior week, three fewer new deaths this week than last).
Los Alamos:
Total confirmed cases: 29
Cumulative week-to-week increase: 2
Growth (+), or decline (-), in new confirmed cases, compared with prior week: +0
Fatal cases: 0 (No change from last week, and no confirmed COVID-19 deaths in the county, to date).
Surrounding Counties, Los Alamos (Rio Arriba, Sandoval, Santa Fe, Taos):
Total confirmed cases: 369/1,271/882/122 – 2,644 for the group
Cumulative week-to-week increase for group: 69
Growth (+), or decline (-), in new confirmed cases, compared with prior week, for group: +3
Fatal cases for group: 58 (+1 from the prior week, for group; one fewer new death this week than last, for group).
New Mexico, Statewide:
Total cases: 26,429
Cumulative week-to-week increase: 617
Growth (+), or decline (-), in new confirmed cases, compared with prior week: -275
Fatal cases: 816 (+25 from the prior week, two fewer new deaths this week than last).
Testing rate (tests per 100,000 people): Unavailable.
Cumulative tests performed as of this week: 803,101 (+32,142 from last week; +108,277 in three weeks).
Tennessee – Y-12 National Security Complex
Anderson County:
Total confirmed cases: 992
Cumulative week-to-week increase: 77
Growth (+), or decline (-), in new confirmed cases, compared with prior week: +13
Fatal cases: 10 (+2 from the prior week, two more new deaths this week, compared with last).
Tennessee, Statewide:
Total cases: 168,237
Cumulative week-to-week increase: 8,781
Growth (+), or decline (-), in new confirmed cases, compared with prior week: -1,496
Fatal cases: 1,988 (+173 from the prior week, 31 more new deaths this week than last).
Testing rate (tests per 100,000 people): Unavailable.
Cumulative tests performed as of this week: 2,393,040 (+128,037 from last week; +440,937 in three weeks).
California – Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (including Sandia’s California campus)
Alameda County (Including Livermore, Calif.):
Total confirmed cases: 19,710
Cumulative week-to-week increase: 858
Growth (+), or decline (-), in new confirmed cases, compared with prior week: -373
Fatal cases: 303 (+8 from the prior week, 43 fewer new deaths this week than last).
Jaoquin County (near Alameda County):
Total confirmed cases: 18,558
Cumulative week-to-week increase: 364
Growth (+), or decline (-), in new confirmed cases, compared with prior week: -985
Fatal cases: 383 (+22 from the prior week, 34 fewer new deaths this week than last).
California, Statewide:
Total cases: 751,686
Cumulative week-to-week increase: 25,030
Growth (+), or decline (-), in new confirmed cases, compared with prior week: -8,554
Fatal cases: 14,103 (+603 from the prior week, 199 fewer deaths this week than last).
Testing rate (tests per 100,000 people): Unavailable.
Cumulative tests performed as of this week: 12,389,991 (+726,067 from last week; +2,162,025 in three weeks).
South Carolina – Savannah River Site
Aiken County:
Total confirmed cases: 2,473
Cumulative week-to-week increase: 64
Growth (+), or decline (-), in new confirmed cases, compared with prior week: -52
Fatal cases: 71 (+4 from the prior week, 11 fewer new deaths this week than last).
Savannah River Site:
Total confirmed cases: 488
Cumulative week-to-week increase: 32
Growth (+), or decline (-), in new confirmed cases, compared with prior week: +14
Fatal cases: 1 (no change).
Active cases: 47.
South Carolina, Statewide:
Total cases: 126,592
Cumulative week-to-week increase: 4,896
Growth (+), or decline (-), in new confirmed cases, compared with prior week: -2,202
Fatal cases: 2,975 (+168 from the prior week, 11 fewer deaths this week than last).
Testing rate: 20,052 tests per 100,000 people (7% more people tested per 100,000 this week than last; 16% more than three weeks ago).
Cumulative tests performed as of this week: 1,032,459 (+63,034 from last week; +139,659 in three weeks).
Texas – Pantex Plant
Potter County:
Total confirmed cases: 4,244
Cumulative week-to-week increase: 101
Growth (+), or decline (-), in new confirmed cases, compared with prior week: -35
Fatal cases: 55 (+2 from the prior week, no more new deaths this week than last).
Randall County:
Total confirmed cases: 2,395
Cumulative week-to-week increase: 92
Growth (+), or decline (-), in new confirmed cases, compared with prior week: -59
Fatal cases: 35 (+0 from the prior week, two fewer new deaths this week than last).
Texas, Statewide:
Total cases: 669,238
Cumulative week-to-week increase: 23,816
Growth (+), or decline (-), in new confirmed cases, compared with prior week: -6,910
Fatal cases: 14,080 (+784 from the prior week, 142 fewer new deaths this week than last).
Testing rate: 17,614 tests per 100,000 people (6% more people tested per 100,000 this week than last; 19% more than three weeks ago).
Cumulative tests performed as of this week: 5,405,257 (+297,754 from last week; +858,188 in three weeks).
Nevada – Nevada National Security Site
Nye County:
Total confirmed cases: 485
Cumulative week-to-week increase: 8
Growth (+), or decline (-), in new confirmed cases, compared with prior week: -3
Fatal cases: 14 (+0 from the prior week, no more new deaths this week than last).
Clark County/Las Vegas:
Total confirmed cases: 61,871
Cumulative week-to-week increase: 1,727
Growth (+), or decline (-), in new confirmed cases, compared with prior week: -661
Fatal cases: 1,240 (+59 from the prior week, 23 fewer new deaths this week than last).
Nevada, Statewide:
Total cases: 72,546
Cumulative week-to-week increase: 2,323
Growth (+), or decline (-), in new confirmed cases, compared with prior week: -680
Fatal cases: 1,429 (+66 from the prior week, 26 fewer new deaths this week than last).
Testing rate: 19,650 tests per 100,000 people (4% more people tested per 100,000 this week than last; 12% more than three weeks ago).
Cumulative tests performed as of this week: 627,319 (+22,051 from last week; +66,356 in three weeks).
Total cases: 6,151,253
Cumulative week-to-week increase: 278,129
Growth (+), or decline (-), in new confirmed cases, compared with prior week: +366
Fatal cases: 186,806 (+5,944 from the prior week, 271 fewer deaths this week than last).
Cumulative tests performed as of this week: 85,181,078 (+4,799,993 from last week; +15,118,628 in three weeks).